Most industries learned in 2020 how crucial it is to be a critical thinker. At a time when so many businesses were closing down, others flourished. For instance, in the US, the manufacturing industry got a new lease of life. 

Before, most US manufacturing took place outside its borders. But, demand for masks, sanitizers, and ventilators brought on a sense of urgency. 

Suddenly there was a demand for products within the country, causing industry growth by up to 11.2%. Since the pandemic onset, many industries continue to find great ways to rise

1. Biometric Time and Attendance System

As of today, over 154M people have been infected by COVID 19 since the first case in 2019. While some countries continue to reduce infection cases, others are witnessing an increase in those affected. 

For some time, measures to combat the spread included staying and working from home. But, 2021 has seen people get back to work and industries open up. However, the main challenge remains how to reduce the rate of infection. 

One advance is Biometric Time and Attendance System. There’s a great need to reduce contact among people and also minimize touching surfaces whenever possible. 

Before, in an office, multiple people would push buttons on an elevator to open its doors. Similarly, access to the office was through biometric finger systems. 

But now, most companies are switching to a better way to take attendance and permit access. Biometric systems now use facial recognition to grant employees and attendees access. 

An employee stands in front of the system. It scans their face or takes a photo and checks authorization information before permitting entry. 

It’s not only a safe way to access buildings and offices, but it reduces touching surfaces. Not to mention, the system collects crucial data, including time and attendance. 

2. Robotics in the Delivery Industry

Stay at home measures in 2020 resulted in the massive growth of the delivery sector. More people opted to stay indoors, shop online, and have the goods delivered. Door-to-door deliveries saw local companies grow and branch out to other locations due to rising demand. 

Robotics in the Delivery Industry

However, today, there’s still a need to automate the delivery of goods to reduce contact. Now different companies are testing robot deliveries. For instance, non-contact food delivery has seen restaurants invest in robots.  

Though the technology is still young, there’s a promising future ahead. Tech companies continue to collaborate with restaurant owners. The collaboration is yielding good results. 

3. Cloud Computing and Manufacturing Industry

COVID 19 continues to have a significant impact on the manufacturing sector. More companies are embracing cloud computing and choosing to get rid of certain practices. 

Frankly, every part of the process in the manufacturing industry can benefit from cloud computing. For instance, in marketing, cloud technologies come in handy. Marketers can use the tech to plan, execute, and manage different campaigns for the company. 

All the data collected during the marketing campaign is easily accessible on the cloud server. Manufacturers can take time to study the data in real-time and see if the campaigns are effective. 

Another process of interest is product planning and manufacturing. The two play a huge role in the success of the business. So it’s better to use cloud technology to merge data from the complete supply chain. 

Once all the data is accessible, every manufacturer can plan accordingly. Also, the production process can continue moving products from ideas to the final item. Once the products are complete, cloud computing plays a significant role in stock taking. 

Stocktaking involves product manufacturing, shipping, and sales. Using resource planning, the manufacturer can track each product accordingly. 

4. Virtual and Augmented Reality Online Classes

Start-up companies are transforming the learning experience for many amidst COVID 19. As many more continue with online classes, changes are in the air. The goal is to make augmented reality as easy to use and apply as possible. 

Today, most educators are grappling with a need to make online lessons enjoyable to students. The reality is the online learning experience needs specific changes. Certain companies are pioneering the changes and making augmented reality readily available. 

Any instructor can use a desktop computer to create simple AR experiences for students. The most exciting part is the teacher doesn’t need any programming skills to use AR tech. Once educators create the different experiences for students, the next step involves embedding. 

Many students have access to smart TVs, video games, and other devices. They can experience the augmented reality virtually, even with game simulations. For example, they can tour the Grand Canyon during a geography lesson when sitting at home. 

5. Rapid Testing Technology Boosts Healthcare

One of the most significant issues facing the healthcare industry amidst COVID 19 is slow testing. In 2020, hospitals were jam-packed with patients who needed testing. But, tests were slow, and results took days to come back. 

Slow testing and results issuing saw many people get worse and even die. But, now, rapid testing is promising to change the healthcare industry. Companies are working round the clock to perfect home testing kits. 

Once these tests are available, people don’t need to head to the hospital for testing. If you suspect you’ve had contact, you can test yourself at home. Now hospitals can distinguish between patients. 

Any positive COVID case gets fast attendance with as little contact with other patients as possible. 

Not only will the new technology help identify cases faster, but data collection will also be more accessible. Healthcare experts can know the exact number of new COVID patients in the country every day. All in all, rapid tests can help save a lot of lives. 


Different industries continue to experience massive growth thanks to advancements in technology. The pandemic was an eye-opener, and many took the chance to grow. Such rapid adaptability means many businesses can keep doors open amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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