important pages

Must-Have Pages

When creating a website, there are those important pages which are a must have and some of them are as follows.

  • The homepage. This is the page that all individual see when they first access your website. It is important as it’s the page responsible for telling the visitor what the company does and also who you are. The content found on your website’s homepage should be captivating as this will enable it to capture the attention of your visitor within a very short period of time.

You should make sure that your homepage looks professional, is exceptionally designed, and loads fast so as to make people stay on your site for longer. You should have a very brief explanation of your products and services that your site is offering, what you do, and most importantly who you are.

  • The About page. This page is also a must-have in websites as it contains a brief prospectus of your company’s background, what makes you stand out from the rest, and also who you are. This is usually one of the most visited pages on most websites and one of the most important pages in any website.


Important Pages

Important Pages

  • The products page for those who are offering products. If you are offering products, then this page offers the clients details about the products you are selling. The products page begins with a brief synopsis of the products available before you list them. In this page, you can include brief descriptions of the products available, their outlines, and links to their pages that will hold even more information about them.
  • Services page. This page is for those who offer services. Details regarding the specific services that are offered are listed on this page. You should start the page with a synopsis of your services before listing them. For those offering many services, they can decide to divide them into various sections or to add their page links which will contain additional information that will enable the readers to learn more about a precise service.
  • The FAQ page. This page allows you to answer the most frequently asked questions hence its name; frequently asked questions page. This page is equally important as it enables you to tell everybody what they need to know. It will save you plenty of time that you might have used answering same questions individually. Your answer should not just be ordinary but should be a call to action. It should be able to entice the clients to purchase whatever you might be trading.

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